Noha Atef

Noha Atef has been writing for a number of newspapers in Egypt and the Arab World, and has a 4 years experience with the print media. She has been covering Egypt section within Global Voices Advocacy (GVA). This project aims at building a global anti-censorship network of bloggers and online activists throughout the developing world that is dedicated to protecting freedom of expression and free access to information online. is a web advocacy site, it was founded on the eve of 2006. It aims at spreading a culture of human rights, by providing news and humanitarian reports – issued by local and international NGOs – articles, photos, cartoons, videos, audio files. And every thing related to torture crimes committed in Egypt. Thanks to the creative content and the constant update, became a point of reference to many journalists, researchers, film makers, TV producers, and activists interested in the causes of torture, the conditions of prisons and the relationship between police and citizens. The average of the pages visited in is 210,000 on monthly basis.